WordPress Virtual Tour 360 Panorama Plugin
- Quality checked by our Team
- Auto Update: Yes
- Unlimited Domain Usage
- Lifetime Free Updates
- Version: 1.2.1
- Last Update: June 13, 2023
Original price was: $39.00.$0.00Current price is: $0.00.
WordPress Virtual Tour 360 Panorama – current version 1.0.8 ready for download!
All you need to create beautiful 360° Panorama & Virtual Tours
WordPress Virtual Tours Plugin is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to create beautiful 360 Panorama and Virtual Tours easily. No need for programming knowledge.
Why Choose Us
Your choices to us will make the difference. We provide a stunning feature that you can’t find on others panorama plugin.
WooCommerce Integration
Showcase your product with panorama for more interactive experience. You can earn more with monetizing your panorama and increase your revenue. You can easily embed a WooCommerce product to the hotspot.
Panorama Mini Map
Easy navigate your map with mini-map. Use the panorama map to aid the user in orienting themselves within the panorama.
Elementor & WPBakery
Use 360° Panorama & Virtual Tours everywhere. Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder, Shortcode and Widget.
Feature Rich 360° Panorama & Virtual Tours
User Friendly Backend EditorWe provide easiest way to use the backend editor. Forget guessing what you get on the frontend because you can edit your panorama visually. We are quite confident that you going to like our backend editor.
| Auto Rotate PanoramaPanorama can be automatically auto rotating when loaded. It will give your user immense experience during navigating your website.
Fullscreen PanoramaWe provide control that will allow your user to be in full-screen mode. You can also this control if you don’t want your user to have this capability.
| 3 Toolbar SchemeWe provide 3 Scheme for your panorama. Top Toolbar, Bottom Toolbar, and default Toolbar. Choose which one the best for your needs.
Zoom Panorama ControlProvide a high-resolution image for your panorama. With the Zoom feature, the viewer can see the detail of all views on your panorama.
| Compass PanoramaWe also provide the Compass feature on panorama as direction guidance. It will be easier for your viewer to determine which direction on your panorama.
Text TooltipsYou can show any information related to the hotspot. Be informative to the viewer and tell them the stories about the hotspot.
| WooCommerce TooltipsEarn more with monetizing your panorama and increase your revenue. You can easily embed a WooCommerce product to the hotspot.
Gallery PopupYou can also describe your hotspot with the gallery. Show the best image and most relevant gallery using this feature.
| Video PopupNeed more visualization? Sure, we have a Video popup feature. Show your YouTube, Vimeo or Hosted the video on the hotspot.
Custom LinkYou can direct the viewer into a certain page or external link. You can achieve this by putting a custom link to the hotspot.
| Block Post TooltipsMore informative with showing a block post, article, and stories or a piece of news to the hotspot. Use block post tooltips for this situation.
5 Tooltip LocationsWith 5 tooltip location, you can show the tooltip on the top of hotspot, bottom, left, right or you can use auto position.
| 6 Tooltip Color SchemeLeave boring black and white square tooltip. We already provide 6 predefined beautiful tooltip color schemes that ready to use.
Hotspot ShapeNo worry, if Icon and Badge are not enough for the hotspot shape, you can upload your Custom Image as hotspot shape.
| Tour & Hotspot ListWe also have a tour and hotspot list panel feature. It will list all tours and hotspots on the current panorama.
Translation ReadyThis plugin is translation ready. We provided translation files: ’.po’ and ’.mo’ for you for easy translation with translation tools. | For Any WordPress ThemeYou can use this plugin on any WordPress theme that works with Elementor & WPBakery Page Builder plugin. |
Responsive & Retina ReadyOur plugin is responsive and ready for Retina Display or HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch). | Support & DocumentationWe provide support for each of the buyers of this plugin. You are also able to access the plugin documentation on our support forum. |
== 13.06.2023 - Version 1.2.1 == - [BUG] Add error handling check == 18.07.2022 - Version 1.2.0 == - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WordPress 6 - [BUG] Fixed image issue on the tooltip == 27.04.2022 - Version 1.1.0 == - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with PHP 8 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 6.9 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with Elementor 3.6 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.4 - [IMPROVEMENT] Add support and documentation link on the plugin dashboard - [IMPROVEMENT] Refreshing plugin dashboard style - [BUG] Fixed the tooltip issue issue == 25.05.2021 - Version 1.0.9 == - [IMPROVEMENT] Magnific popup support at fullscreen mode - [BUG] Gallery on new hotspot issue - [BUG] Fix safari z-index issue - [BUG] Fix hotspot image style issue - [BUG] Fix tooltip shows scrollbar - [BUG] Fix tooltip overlapped by hotspot - [BUG] Incorrect image size after inserting image hotpot icon == 12.02.2021 - Version 1.0.8 == - [BUG] Fix update notification & auto update issue - [BUG] Fix tooltip not showing on fullscreen == 26.01.2021 - Version 1.0.7 == - [IMPROVEMENT] Add fallback panorama image option - [BUG] Fix slider control issue - [BUG] Fix image icon issue == 09.10.2020 - Version 1.0.6 == - [NEW FEATURE] Ability to show edit button on the panorama preview - [BUG] Fix custom image icon for hotspot - [BUG] Fix custom image icon for tour == 28.08.2020 - Version 1.0.5 == - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 - [IMPROVEMENT] Optimize image display on panorama dashboard - [IMPROVEMENT] Update default setting for panorama map - [BUG] Fix wpColorPickerL10n issue == 27.06.2020 - Version 1.0.4 == - [NEW FEATURE] Ability to show add to cart button on WooCommerce product popup - [NEW FEATURE] Ability to use ajax on add to cart button - [NEW FEATURE] Ability to update cart item for WooCommerce fragment by using ajax - [IMPROVEMENT] Update element icon for WPBakery and Elementor - [BUG] Fix duplicate id attribute of checkbox control on the DOM element == 13.06.2020 - Version 1.0.3 == - [NEW FEATURE] Ability to use image URL for panorama image ( hosted, external resource, or CDN ) - [IMPROVEMENT] Add register activation plugin - [IMPROVEMENT] Optimize backend speed performance - [IMPROVEMENT] Enable open link in new tab for documentation page link - [BUG] Fix duplicate id attribute on the DOM element == 21.04.2020 - Version 1.0.2 == - [IMPROVEMENT] String translation update for backend option - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WordPress 5.4 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with PHP 7.4 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 6.1 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.7 - [IMPROVEMENT] Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1 == 13.11.2019 - Version 1.0.1 == - [IMPROVEMENT] String translation update - [IMPROVEMENT] Thumbnail dimension update for post and product == 28.10.2019 - Version 1.0.0 == - First Release
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Original price was: $39.00.$0.00Current price is: $0.00.
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